Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 3 Discussion_Worlds of Art

Week 3 Discussion_Worlds of Art

Q For this discussion board, please: • Create your own personal mandala and insert an image of it into your post. Your mandala should have symbolic meaning -- for example, does it represent healing? A journey? A new beginning? o *If you prefer not to create your own, you can choose an image of an existing mandala from this website: • Explain what the different parts of your mandala symbolize (or what you think they might symbolize). Explain, pointing out specific details in your mandala to illustrate your points. • Briefly explain what you learned about mandalas (and/or about yourself) through this exercise.

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To me a mandala has always been an important source of unity and peace, and perhaps this is why I have often indulged in creating my versions of the same. I am sharing with you all a recent work, and the day I made this, I was feeling very agitated and wanted some closure. So I started making this and soon I was calm and knew what I wanted and how I wanted it.